perjantai 4. joulukuuta 2015

Joulukalenterin 3. ja 4. luukku

3. kalenteriluukusta löytyi Jennalle valokuva-albumi. 

Jenna got on the 3rd of December a photo album from me.

4. kalenteriluukusta Jenna sai nukkeperheen äidille käsilaukun ja pikkulaukun.

And today she got a handbag and a clutch bag from me.

4 kommenttia:

  1. I love the fabric on the bags - Very Nice
    A Big Mini Hug, Mary

  2. I love the fabric on the bags - Very Nice
    A Big Mini Hug, Mary

    1. The fabric is perfect for these bags. I made a skirt for my doughter of this fabric years ago and the bags are made of the scraps.
