Juureslaatikot ovat meidän suomalaisten perinnejouluruokiamme. Marianne tekee niistä vain kahta erilaista: porkkanalaatikkoa ja lanttulaatikkoa. Ne säilyvät useita viikkoja pakastimessa.
Riisi ja porkkanat keitetään.
The casseroles made of roots are traditional Christmas dishes in Finland. Marianne makes two different kind of casseroles: carrot and swede casseroles. They endure well freezing.
Rice and carrots are boiled.
Porkkanat muusataan ja seokseen lisätään riisi, munia, kermaa, suolaa ja sokeria tai siirappia.
The carrots are mashed and rice, eggs, cream, salt and sugar or syrup are added to the mixture.
The mixture is then poured into oven dish, such as Pyrex oven dish, and baked in the oven.
You can make Pyrex oven dishes for yourself from bubble gum packaging blisters. Cut the bubbles apart and sand the paper off with a nail file.
Lanttulaatikot tehdään keitetyistä lantuista, jotka survotaan. Seokseen lisätään siirappia,kermaa, suolaa, inkivääriä, kanelia ja muskottipähkinää. Seos kaadetaan uunivuokaan ja paistetaan uunissa. Väriltään ne ovat hieman tummenpia kuin porkkanalaatikot.
Swede casseroles are made of boiled and mashed swedes are sweetened and enriched wit a mixture of syrup, cream, salt, ginger,cinnamon and nutmeg.The mixture is poured into an ovenproof dish and baked in the oven. They are slightly darker in color than carrot casseroles.
Muchas gracias,un delicioso tutorial!!
No problem!
PoistaThat’s interesting. In the US we serve a “sweet potato” casserole at our autumn Thanksgiving celebration. Of course in the northern climates, the root vegetables are what are available. Your recipes sound yummy.
VastaaPoistaIn fact, all of our traditional Christmas dishes are from the time when our country was poor and lived from agriculture. So the food is quite modest. *The supplies were obtained from home or from the neighborhood.
PoistaHa sido buena idea usar la envoltura de los chicles.
VastaaPoistaThey are small enough. They could also be painted.