perjantai 2. huhtikuuta 2021

Munia maalaamassa Painting eggs

Emilialla ja Eetulla on tänä aamuna ollut hauskaa tekemistä. He ovat maalanneet munia. Se on tosin sotkuista puuhaa. Pöytäkin piti suojata paperilla. 
Emily and Eetu have had something funny to do this morning. They have painted eggs. It is a very messy task to do. The table had to be covered with paper.

Yhtenä ääsiäisperinteenä meillä Suomessa on laittaa vaasiin pajun oksia. Mutta toki me ostammekin paljon kukkia kuten narsisseja ja tulppaaneja.Suurimmassa osassa Suomea on vielä lunta maassa, joten emme voi poimia näitä kukkia puutarhastamme.

One of the Easter traditions in Finland is to put willow brances in the vase. But of course we buy a lot of flowers such as tulips and narcissuses. In the most parts of Finland there is still snow on the ground, so we can´t pick up these flowers from our garden.

 Hyvää pääsiästä!         Happy Easter!

8 kommenttia:

  1. What a lovely little scene for Easter. It really brought a smile to my face. Here in Eastern Canada we also like to add "pussy willow" branches in a vase and also forsythia branches to go with them. Some years, depending on when Easter falls, we are able to gather them ourselves but often I have to resort to artificial ones. They do look real and bring a happy glimpse of the coming spring on my table top. Happy Easter to you. - Marilyn D.

    1. Hi Marilyn,
      I am very glad, you have found my blog and this Easter scene. I love Easter above all and of course this dollhouse hobby. I want to give people experiences and joy through this dollhouse hobby. And every now and then I succeed.
      Thank you for your lovely comment.

  2. Hello Sirkka!

    Such perfect little items for the children to paint with. :)

    The paint brushes look amazing, as do the delicate willow branches and the other flowers within the room.

    When I was little, I used to pretend the pussy willow buds were baby animals. :) Sort of like mini Sylvanians. :)

    Please give my warmest greetings to Emily and Eetu.

    Best wishes from Riverside,

    1. Hello Nina!

      At first the children did not like my idea of painting the eggs, but I managed to persuade them finally, if I gave them my biggest Easter eggs. Can you imagine?

      Give my best greetings to all in Riverside,

  3. Tosi hienoja nuo pajunoksat! Miten olet ne tehnyt?

    1. Olen hakenut puutarhasta norjanangervon oksia, joissa on pienet silmut. Olen maalannut silmut sitten akryylivärein.
      Varmaan joissakin muissakin pensaissa on jo pieniä silmuja, joten voivat olla ihan yhtä hyviä kuin edellä mainitsemani oksat.

  4. Ha creado la primavera en casa aunque fuera aún haya nieve.
