sunnuntai 25. lokakuuta 2020

Syystunnelmia keittiössä Autumn feelings in the kitchen


Sunnuntai-aamut ovat Emilian kotona kiireettömiä. Kaikki perheenjäsenet ehtivät syödä kaikessa rauhassa. Muina aamuina varsinkin äidillä on liian kiire.

There is no hurry on Sunday mornings at Emily´s. All family members have time to eat in peace. On other mornings, especially mom is too busy.

Marianne-äiti on stailannut keittiötä syksyisen näköiseksi. Keltainen, oranssi ja ruskea ovat syksyn värejä.

Mother Marianne has styled the kitchen with autumn colors. Yellow, orange and brown are the colors of autumn.

 Emilian mielestä on hauskaa, että keittiö näyttää värikkäämmältä kuin tavallisesti.

Emily thinks it is nice that the kitchen is much colorful than usually.

Kurpitsat ovat hienoja koristeita. Emilia halusi niitä monen kokoisia.

Pumpkins are great decorations. Emily wanted many sizes of them.

8 kommenttia:

  1. Ha quedado un ambiente otoñal precioso.
    Me gusta mucho.

  2. Vastaukset
    1. You saved my day by saying that. It is raining here at the moment.

  3. Un ambiente muy acogedor para el frio que viene.

  4. Dear Sirkka,

    Those are lovely seasonal decorations in Marianne's household as always.

    I love pumpkins and how they put some colour into the gray days of October and November.

    I hope that you and your loved ones are well.

    Kind regards,
    Nina & the Riversiders

    1. Dear Nina,
      Thank you very much for your comment. The year 2020 was a very difficult year for me and also the beginning of the year 2021. And that is why I haven´t had any inspiration for blogging.
      I have an Instagram account: sirkkas_miniatures In case you are still interested in my miniatures.
