perjantai 26. lokakuuta 2018

Tavaranvaihto The swap

Elokuussa lähetin Soyokolle Japaniin neulomiani ja virkkaamiani minitavaroita sekä Fazerin makeisia kaksi isoa pussillista sekä levyn Kismet-suklaata. Häneltä saamani tavarat olen jo esitellyt blogissani aiemmin.

In August I sent to Soyoko in Japan miniatures that I had knitted and crocheted. I sent her also two big bags of Fazer-candies and a bar of Kismet-chocolate. The miniatures and materials that I got from her I have presented on my blog earlier.

  Marianne halusi tarkistaa kaikkien neulomieni sukkien laadun.

Marianne wanted to test the quality of the knitted socks.

 Nämä sopivat hyvin jalkoihin.

These socks fit well.

 Niin myös nämä.

Also these socks.

 Ehkä myös nämä.

Maybe these socks, too.

 Neuloin kuusi paria pitkävartisia sukkia. Soyoko halusi nämä värit.

I knitted six pairs of knee socks for Soyoko. She wanted these colours.

 Neuloin myös 3 peitettä.

I knitted also 3 blankets.

 Myös kolme kaulaliinaa.

Three scarves, too.

Hän halusi myös pyöreitä virkattuja patalappuja. 

She wanted also round crocheted potholders. 

Tavaranvaihdot ovat kiva keino kartuttaa omia miniatyyrikokoelmia.

The swaps are a nice way to increase your collections of miniatures.

11 kommenttia:

  1. I agree with the swaps. I like doing swaps.
    These gifts are fantastic.

    1. Swaps are also a nice way to get to know new enthusiasts.

  2. Muy bonitos los calcetines, Me llaman la atención por lo pequeños y lo bien que le quedan a Marianne. Las manta y las bufandas parecen muy calentitas.

  3. Such wonderful socks - I should like to have a pair on my chilly feet just now! And the warm looking and lovely blankets, and those adorable pot holders - I bet you get a lot of invitations to participate in swaps! Such a talent you have!

    1. I knit a lot in big size, but miniature knitting is much more challenging. The quality is not as good as I wish. The swap with Soyoko was very "easy" for me, because she let me know, what she would like to get.
      Thank you for your compliments!

  4. Perfectos y preciosos calcetines y demás prendas!

  5. How lovely of Marianne to test the knee socks, scarves and blankets to make sure they are good quality!
    The pot holders look amazing and I like that they come in pastel colours.

    1. Mariannne wants also some pairs of socks for herself. That is why she was so eager to test test and fit them.
