Oletko sinä auttanut pukkia ja tehnyt lahjapaketteja, ettei työ jää viimeiseen iltaan?
December is a busy month in Emily´s family. Especially mother has a lot to do.
Have you helped Santa and made already gift packages? That work should not be left to the last day.
Marianne aikoo antaa perheelleen omatekoisia lahjoja ja niitä hän on tehnyt monta viikkoa. Uusi pukkijalkapöytä on isompi kuin hänen vanha pöytänsä. Sen päällä on hyvä tehdä kaikenlaista, vaikkapa kääriä lahjapaketti. Hän on tuonut ompeluhuoneeseensa keittiöstä vanhanaikaisen puusohvan. Se sopii pöydän kanssa paremmin yhteen kuin entinen sohva.
Marianne is going to give selfmade gifts to her familymembers. She has made gifts several weeks.
Her new trestle table is bigger than her old table. It is handy for many jobs, for example in wrapping gifts. She has brought also an old wooden sofa/bench from the kitchen, because it matches better with the table than the former sofa.
Monet hänen lahjoistaan ovat jo valmiina. Lahjapaperia on monta rullaa.
Many of her gifts are already ready. She has many wrapping paper rolls.
Hän on siivonnut ja koristellut huonettaan hieman.
She has cleaned and decorated her room a little bit.
Iso lyhty on yksi hänen lempitavaroistaan.
The big lantern is one of her favorite things.
Ompeluhuoneesta löytyy kankaita, lankoja ja lehtiä. Ne eivät mahdu kaappeihin, vaan ovat lattialla.
Mother has fabrics, yarns and magazines in her room. She hasn´t cabinet space enough for them. So they are on the floor.
1. Etsi netistä sopivia paperimalleja.
Kopio ne vaikka Word-asiakirjaan. Asettele koko arkki täyteen erilaisia malleja. Pienennä ne kokoon 5,8 x 6 cm.
Tulosta tavalliselle kopiopaperille. Jos sinulla on ohuempaa paperia, käytä mieluummin sitä.
Tarvitset lisäksi
- sakset
- liimaa
- ohuen puutikun
- paksumman tikun tai kynän
2. Leikkaa arkit irti paperista.
3. Rullaa ensimmäistä arkkia kynän ympärille. Tavallisen kopiopaperi on hankalaa rullattavaa, koska se on hieman liian paksua.
4. Jatka rullaamista ohuen tikun ympärille. Yritä tehdä rullasta tiukka.
5. Liimaa rulla kiinni.
6. Tee niin paljon paperirullia kuin tarvitset.
Voit tehdä rullat myös oikeasta lahjapaperista, joka on ohuempana helpompaa rullattavaa.
The house is looking very festive and I glad that Marianne has found some valuable quiet time to wrap her Christmas gifts :D
VastaaPoistaI love your method for winding the rolls of gift wrap Sirkka, and will have to give it a try!
Hi,It will be taking many days to get all the rooms look festive. It is good to continue cleaning and decorating other rooms.
PoistaI couldn´t believe that winding paper rolls would be challenging in some way. My paper was too thick. It was 80 g/m2.
What wonderfully fun photos filled with lovely mini treasures! The little wrapping paper rolls are just darling, and your method is perfect! :O)
VastaaPoistaThank you Jodi for your comment. My mini treasures are mostly made by myself. Every year I make some new treasures.
PoistaI was very funny to make paper rolls.
Me han gustado mucho los rollos de papel de envolver.Van a quedarle unos regalos preciosos.Hay que prepararlos con antelación y no como yo que siempre espero al último momento.
VastaaPoistaI love December a lot. I have to start the preparations in good time. It is important for me that my dollhouses have also Christmas atmosphere.
PoistaIhania kuvia taas, loistavat värit ja tarkkuus. Siellähän oli jo ihanan jouluinen tunnelma, kauniita lahjapapereita<3
VastaaPoistaKiitos mukavasta kommentistasi. Lahjapapereissa oli haasteta löytää riittävän tiheästi kuvioituja papereita. Paperistahan näkyy rullassa vain vähän.
PoistaThanks for the tutorial! The gift wrap set looks great.
VastaaPoistaI love the picture of Marianne sitting at her new table and I love all the Christmas minis you used to decorate her room .They look great. You are very talented!
Thank you Cutata for the compliments. I love crafting miniature and try to improve my skills. I buy mini goods very seldom, because I can´t afford them.
VastaaPoistaYou have posted so many lovely pictures of Emily's home this month, unfortunately I am not always able to comment right away...
Although I am late, I would like to say that mother has a very pleasant room and I especially enjoyed seeing all the items on her desk. The snowman figurine is very cute. The red plant and christmas card are beautiful and the candle holder box with the drawer full of candles is great and very practical.
Have a good week,
PoistaIt is always a pleasure to read your comments.
The zinc candle holder box with the drawer has been one of the favourite things in Finland for 2-3 years. I made it in small size from cardboard. I would like to have a big one, but it is quite expensive.