torstai 7. joulukuuta 2017

Eilen Yesterday

Meillä suomalaisilla on omituinen tapa viettää juhlapäivää. Eilen istuimme lähes koko päivän katsomalla televisiota,ainakin 9 tuntia. Eikö ole hassua?  Ensin katsoimme Tuntematon Sotilas -elokuvan ja sitten illalla katsoimme presidenttiparin juhlavastaanottoa.  Näin teemme joka vuosi.

We Finns have a strange way to spend yesterday´s anniversary. We sat almost all day watching television, at least 9 hours. Isn´t that funny? At first we looked at the Unknown Soldier movie and then in the evening we looked at the President's Party Reception. We do this every year.

Lapsetkin jaksoivat katsoa linnan juhlia monta tuntia. He arvostelivat, kenellä vieraista on kaunein mekko. Emilia ja Eetukin olivat pukeutuneet juhlavaatteisiin.

Also  the children watched TV many hours. They judged, which guests had the most beautiful dresses. They were also welldressed themselves.
Vanhemmillakin oli juhlavaatteet päällään. Äidin mielestä koko päivä oli aivan erityinen. Suomi on nyt siis 100 vuotta vanha.

The parents had  also festive clothing. Mother thought the whole day was very special. Finland is now 100 years old.

Joulukaktus puhkesi kukkaan juuri juhlapäivänä.  Se on ihana kukka.

Mother´s cactus blossomed out jus for the day. It is a lovely flower.

8 kommenttia:

  1. ¡¡¡Me encanta el cactus, te ha quedado muy bien!!! Me alegro que pasaseis un buen día en familia y con los amigos. Ibais todos muy elegantes.

    1. You seem to love cactuses, too. I it not difficult to guess. Hah, hah.
      Our president had invited many 100-year old persons into the Castle. They has been soldiers and fighter for Finland´s independency.

  2. Hello Sirkka,

    That's so funny! They got dressed so stylishly and then watched television... :) But it's a nice thing to do in the winter time and I like to watch television too.

    Mother and Emily are dressed so elegantly and the two boys/men also. Please tell Emily that when I was her age or a little younger I loved black patent leather shoes as well!

    Mother's cactus is exquisite. I once had one just like it.

    Kind regards,

    1. Hello Nina,

      The Independence Day is so precious for us Finns, that it is quite common to be dressed stylishly on that day. It was not obvious for us to achieve the independency 100 years ago.

      Guess what? Her shoes really are of patent leather. She did not believe at first, that you have had same kind of shoes when you were youger. Her mother had had also that kind of shoes 25 years ago.
      In Finnish the cactus is called Joulukaktus = Christmas cactus, but I don´t know the English name for it.

      Kind regards,

  3. Vietä juhla-päivä TV: n edessä älykkäissä vaatteissa? Teemme myös tämän)) Joulu kaktus on erittäin kaunis.

    1. Pukeutumalla tyylikkäästi itsenäisyyspäivänä lisäämme juhlapäivän arvostusta.
      Joulukaktus on kaunis kasvi. Itselläni on valkoisen lisäksi myös aniliinin punainen.
