Emilia on kirjoittanut tänään pitkän kirjeen joulupukille. Hän käytti kirjoittamiseen tietokonetta. Hän kiitti viimevuotisista lahjoista ja kertoi olleensa kiltti ja auttaneensa äitiä. Lisäksi hän kertoi oman ja pikkuveljensä lahjatoiveet.
Emily has computed a long letter to Santa Claus. She thanked for the gifts she got last year and told him that she has been kind and that she has helped mother. Furthermore she told her own and his brother´s wishlists.
Hän kertoi joulupukille myös, että hänellä on sänkynsä alla iso laatikko. Muut perheenjäsenet eivät tiedä laatikosta mitään. Arvaatko mitä laatikossa on?
She told also, that she has a big box under her bed. The other familymembers don´t know about the box. Can you guess the contents of the box?
Hänellä on laatikossa pieniä lahjapaketteja. Hän haluaa auttaa joulupukkia näillä lahjoilla.
She has small gifts in the box. She is going to help Santa with these gifts.
Jos haluat lähettää joulupukille kirjeen on hänen osoitteensa:
Joulupukin Pääposti
You can really write to Santa Claus. His address is
Santa Claus
Santa Claus Main Post Office
More information and f.ex. videos you can find on https://www.santaclausvillage.info/
Niin liikuttava! Mukavaa joulundotusta!
VastaaPoistaMukava kuulla, että herätti tunteita. Kiitti paljon.
PoistaHow wonderful! So much inspiration and a feast for the mini eyes!
VastaaPoistaThank you for your lovely comment!
PoistaEmily has written a very long letter to Santa. Hope she gets all the presents she wishes for. I love her room! It feels so warm and cozy. The quilt on the bed is so beautiful! You have created a lovely Christmas atmosphere.
VastaaPoistaEmily loves her room. We will show you later some details of her treasures. She is expects Santa´s visit a lot.
PoistaUna carta muy larga,espero que Santa cumpla todos sus deseos! Un bonito gesto,el de querer ayudar con los regalos!
The letter was really a long one. She knows that Santa can´t bring her everything she wants, but maybe some of her wishes will fulfill.
PoistaMe quedo con la dirección de Santa. Ya sabes que en España también tenemos a los Reyes Magos. Lo malo es que vienen al final de las fiestas navideñas. Emily es encantadora y muy colaboradora. Hace bien en ayudar a Santa.
VastaaPoistaMany year ago when my children were small they wrote and sent letters to Santa every year. At that time Santa wrote back to them. But now you have to pay for Santa´s letter. It has become a bisness.
PoistaIt's great to see Emily helping Santa before Christmas!
VastaaPoistaHer room is so cozy, I wish her a very pleasant advent, and you too! :-)
Hi Nina,
PoistaEmily does not know all the secrets about Santa, yet. However, she has some kind of hint that Santa does not have time to visit every home on Christmas.
Emily has very bright colors just now, but pink is her favorite color.
Oh! That's interesting! I thought maybe red was her favourite colour.