Monessa perheessä on aamu alkanut tänään samalla tavalla kuin Emiliankin perheessä. Äiti sai kahvitarjottimen sänkyyn. Tarjottimella oli myös pieni lahjapaketti ja kaksi korttia, joista toinen oli Emilian tekemä ja toinen Eetun tekemä.
This morning has started at many homes in the same way than at Emily´s home. Mother got coffee tray in her bed. There were a tiny gift box and two cards on the tray. The cards were made by Emily and Eetu.
This morning has started at many homes in the same way than at Emily´s home. Mother got coffee tray in her bed. There were a tiny gift box and two cards on the tray. The cards were made by Emily and Eetu.
Isä on leiponut herkullisen kakun Emilian kanssa.
Father has baked a delicious cake with Emily.
Äidille on ostettu ruukkuhortensia.
They has bought a pot hortensia for mom.
They has bought a pot hortensia for mom.
Emilia selitti Eetulle, miten tänä päivänä ei kannata kiukutella ollenkaan.
Emily explained to Eetu that today is not worth tantrum
Emily explained to Eetu that today is not worth tantrum
Äiti oli ommellut itselleen mekon, jonka hän puki aamulla päälleen. Saamassaan lahjapaketissa oli rannekoru ja kaulanauha. Ne sopivat hänen mekkonsa kanssa yhteen hyvin.
Mother has sewn herself a dress. She put it on in the morning. There were a bracelet and pearl necklace in the gift package. They were perfect with the dress.
Tänään on aurinko paistanut aamusta lähtien. Mekolla tarkenee hyvin. Ei tarvita sukkahousuja.
Hyvää äitienpäivää kaikille äideille!
The sun has shined from the morning. The dress is warm enough. No need for tights.
Happy Mother´s Day to all Moms around the world!
Hyvää äitienpäivää kaikille äideille!
The sun has shined from the morning. The dress is warm enough. No need for tights.
Happy Mother´s Day to all Moms around the world!