maanantai 29. toukokuuta 2017

Uusi projekti A new project

Olen aloittanut uuden kesäisen projektin.  Suomalaiset lukijat varmaan jo arvaavat, mistä on kyse, kun näkevät tämän rakennelman. Tämä on tanssilavan lattia. Alustana on pahvilevy ja sen päälle on katkonut listaleikkureilla sytyketikkuja, jotka liimasin pahviin kiinni.

I've started a new summer project. Finnish readers probably already guess what it is all about when they see this construction. This is the floor of a dance hall. I cut the boards with the cutters and glued the floor on the cardboard.

 Maalasin lattiaa vaatomuovipalasella käyttäen hyvin vesipitoista akryylimaalia. Halusin lattiaan vain vähän väriä, koska tanssilavojen lattiat ovat yleensä olleet maalaamattomia.

I painted the floor using very aqueous acrylic paint. I just wanted some color on the floor, as the floors of dance halls have generally been unpainted.

7 kommenttia:

  1. Your floor looks Fantastic Sirkka! LOVE the pattern and the color you've stained the wood!
    AND I thing that constructing a dance hall will give your dolls somewhere to go on Saturday night ;)


    1. Hi Elizabeth! Actually, I thought about Midsummer. Then we (and all my dolls) will dance and celebrate all night. I am not sure about my skills in roof making, but we´ll see it later.

    2. Sirkka, If you can construct such an excellent floor as this, then I've no doubt about your skills in making a roof! ;)

  2. Un tema muy original. De momento el suelo esta precioso.

    1. I will prove you later that the dance hall is not at all an original idea. Thank you for your comment.

  3. Un proyecto muy original! La estructura me gusta mucho,espero tus avances!!

    1. Yo will see the progres of this project. I have to admit that I am not sure of my skills in building it.
